Class: TTB


JavaScript SDK for consuming webservices and widgets by TitleToolBox from third-party websites.


JQuery - version 1.9.x or higher should work. We recommend the latest version 3.x
<script src=""></script>

Bootstrap - For modals, and rendering widgets, SDK uses bootstrap UI and script.
<script src=""></script>
Official CSS:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Scoped Bootstrap version:
Having non-bootstrap based site ? please use the following scoped-bootstrap version to limit bootstrap styles to SDK widgets only. (bootstrap v3.3.7 used.)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Google Maps - Optional/for some methods only - E.g. ttb.instantLookupWidget(), and other google related methods/widgets only.) <script src=""></script>
(For API KEY, Google documentation will be helpful.

TitleToolBox SDK files (1 script, and 1 style), can be pulled via our public repo link: (keep the latest version)
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script>

OR via Bower using bower install ttb-sdk --save

SDK's NPM package will be released soon...

new TTB(config){Object}

The main class for consuming TTB web services.
Name Type Description
config Object The configuration info required
Name Type Default Description
partnerKey String The Partner-Key is a unique ID assigned to you by Company, that to be sent on every request from your site.
baseURL String "" optional The Base URL to be used for APIs calls. (note - we can alternatively use sponsor and/or baseURLPattern to keep switching to custom baseURL on the fly.)
sponsor Object optional The Title Company Sponsor object to be used in generating baseURL. contains name, title, site, logoURL, and TOSURL. (Note - It will be ignored if baseURL is already passed.)
baseURLPattern String "https://{{sponsorName}}" optional The URL pattern to be used to generate the baseURL which includes the provided. Must contain {{sponsorName}} at least once. (Note - It will be ignored if baseURL is already passed.)
onSessionExpireV3 function optional [Recommended over deprecated onSessionExpireV2()] - The callback / handler to be called whenever an API receives 401 - UNAUTHENTICATED (session expired) from server, to renew the session on the fly and resume with widgets or API methods calls internally. This can be used to get a new valid "stk" (or "uuid" for loginUUID() case) from vendor site, via an ajax request to vendor server, or via in-memory store on FE, to renew user login session from TTB server. Method should return a promise, which should be resolved with an "authConfig" object as {authMethod: "loginRemote", // or "loginUUID", payload: loginRemotePayload // or {uuid: "xxxxxx"} }. (For payload details, check loginRemote() method or loginUUID() method whichever is involved for the target vendor authentication. )
Name Type Description
info Object Similar to deprecated onSessionExpireV2's "info" parameter.
autoFillAttr String "data-ttb-field" optional The attribute to be used for auto-fill input fields when options.autoFillContext specified in methods which support auto-fill. (Note: the attribute value on those inputs would be used to evaluate to - For example: <input type="text" data-ttb-field="GeneralInfo.Bedrooms" /> or <input type="text" data-ttb-field="GeneralInfo['Year Built']" />
scopedBootstrap String false optional Whether the scoped bootstrap version is used. (recommended when non-bootstrap sites faces styles conflicts with official bootstrap CSS)
debug String true optional SDK debug mode flag useful for logs, etc.
onSessionExpireV2 function optional (DEPRECATED! Please check onSessionExpireV2() ) - The callback / handler to be called whenever an API receives 401 - UNAUTHENTICATED (session expired) from server, to renew the session on the fly and resume with widgets or API methods calls internally. This can be used to get a new valid "stk" from vendor site, via an ajax request to vendor server, or via in-memory store on FE, to renew user login session from TTB server. Method should return a promise, which should be resolved with a loginRemotePayload object. (Check loginRemotePayload details from loginRemote() method.)
Name Type Description
info Object Contains details against the failed request. This can be used for advanced handling.
info object will contain methodName, endpoint, requestConfig, and requestError.
Type Description
Object ttb - The instance associated with the provided configuration.
// With basic and minimum requirement.
var ttb = new TTB({
  partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
// With advanced configuration for custom baseURL, and logs for debug mode.
var ttb = new TTB({
  partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  baseURL: '',
  debug: true
// With advanced configuration for custom baseURLPattern and sponsor, and custom auto-fill attributes.
var ttb = new TTB({
  partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  baseURLPattern: '{{sponsorName}}',
  sponsor: {...} // switchable later via ttb.setSponsor(),
  autoFillAttr: 'data-model',
  scopedBootstrap: true
// (Optional but Recommended !)  (for auth method: remoteLogin()) - registering session-expired (401 status error) handler for ttb ajax requests.
// This example is for those vendors who use loginRemote() method for authentication.
// live working example will be provided soon.

// your app store / constant having configuration
var ttbStore = {
  ttb: undefined,
  partnerKey: '558b3e66-47b2-477d-a0d3-6d85db4c3148',
  stk: '64on7i137ksveoa18os6i7g9a3', // assuming you maintain user valid stk in your store.
  getuser_url: '',

// step#2 instantiate the TTB with your (vendor's) credentials. check full config from TTB instance section.
ttbStore.ttb = new TTB({
 partnerKey: ttbStore.partnerKey,
 onSessionExpireV3: ttbOnSessionExpireV3 // note suffix "V3" in "onSessionExpireV3"

// step#3 set up a sessionExpire handler. following is just an example.
// this callback gets called, whenever any ttb method Ajax call encounters 401.
function ttbOnSessionExpireV3(info) {
 console.log('ttbOnSessionExpireV3: No / Expired Session.', info); // check out "info" in console for any advanced handling.

 // step#3.1 build required info by getting the latest / valid stk (depends on vendor site's login system.)
 // option 1 - Some vendors have it in store on Frontend.
 // option 2 - Some vendors get latest stk from their server via ajax call.
 // option 3 - Some vendors perform a login prompt modal to renew user session on their login system to get latest stk for TTB.

 // for example vendor has option 2 (or even option 1) case.
 // build required info
 var authConfig = {
   authMethod: 'loginRemote',
   payload: {
     stk: ttbStore.stk,
     getuser_url: ttbStore.getuser_url

 // step#3.2 Simply return the resolved promise containing this info, leave the rest on SDK to perform TTB system login, and retry the failed requests, like nothing happened. ^ _ ^
 return TTB.utilPromiseResolve(authConfig);
// (Alternate) (for auth method: remoteUUID()) - registering session-expired (401 status error) handler for ttb ajax requests.
// This example is for those vendors who use loginUUID() method for authentication.
// live working example will be provided soon.

// your app store / constant having configuration
var ttbStore = {
  ttb: undefined,
  partnerKey: '558b3e66-47b2-477d-a0d3-6d85db4c3148',
  uuid: '123b3e66-47b2-477d-a0d3-6d85db4c3456',

// step#2 instantiate the TTB with your (vendor's) credentials. check full config from TTB instance section.
ttbStore.ttb = new TTB({
 partnerKey: ttbStore.partnerKey,
 onSessionExpireV3: ttbOnSessionExpireV3 // note suffix "V3" in "onSessionExpireV3"

// step#3 set up a sessionExpire handler. following is just an example.
// this callback gets called, whenever any ttb method Ajax call encounters 401.
function ttbOnSessionExpireV3(info) {
 console.log('ttbOnSessionExpireV3: No / Expired Session.', info); // check out "info" in console for any advanced handling.

 // step#3.1 build required info by getting the latest / valid UUID (depends on vendor site's login system.)
 // option 1 - Some vendors have it in store on Frontend.
 // option 2 - Some vendors get latest UUID from their server via ajax call.
 // option 3 - Some vendors perform a login prompt modal to renew user session on their login system to get latest UUID for TTB.

 // for example vendor has option 2 (or even option 1) case.
 // build required info
 var authConfig = {
   authMethod: 'loginUUID',
   payload: {
     uuid: ttbStore.uuid,

 // step#3.2 Simply return the resolved promise containing this info, leave the rest on SDK to perform TTB system login, and retry the failed requests, like nothing happened. ^ _ ^
 return TTB.utilPromiseResolve(authConfig);

// That's it! We are ready to shine!



The debug logs flag for static functions only. (For instance methods, The "debug" property passed while instantiating, will be used.)


Total counts of TTB instances created.


The version of the SDK being used.


The configuration passed while instantiating main SDK class. For details, Please check documentation of new TTB(...) constructor.


Instance Id to recognise instances and other usages. For example, Tracing relevant logs.



This static method extends provided object (if any) with the session-token (if any) stored by last login attempt by loginRemote() or login().
Name Type Description
info Object optional any object to extend. E.g. query params converted object by _.ajax()
Type Description
Object | undefined info - extended object with session token (if any)
var queryParams = { ... }; // your stuff
var infoContainsSessionToken = TTB._utilAddSessionToken(queryParams);

staticTTB.getSponsors(payload, partnerKey){Object}

[new widget .connectWidget() is recommended.] This static method provides the list of all available sponsors based on given info.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info against the logged-in user, so that we could suggest the sponsor(s) for it.
Name Type Description
email String optional The email address of the logged-in user, if they have signed-up previously for any sponsor(s), we include them.
zipCode String optional The Zip Code of the logged-in user, if user is newly signed-up in TTB system, we list the available sponsors in that region.
partnerKey String The partner key provided by support team for the consumer site.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var payload = {
  email: '',
  zipCode: '12345'

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

staticTTB.renderLogoWidget(elementSelector, vendorInfo){Object}

This static method renders a logo link on vendors's sites, clicking which can take user to the landing page for TTB powered widgets.
(Check it out in action over
Name Type Description
elementSelector String DOM element selector where the widget needs to be rendered. #lorem or .ipsum etc.
vendorInfo Object The information regarding vendor, and it's user session details. for details, Check out utilGenerateLandingPageURL() documentation.
Type Description
Object wrapperEL - DOM Node reference to the rendered widget's wrapper.
var elementSelector = '#ttb--render-logo-wrapper';

var vendorInfo = {
 stk: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
 getuser_url: '',
 partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

TTB.renderLogoWidget(elementSelector, vendorInfo);

staticTTB.showSelectSponsor(data, actions){Object}

[new widget .connectWidget() is recommended.] This static method provides the list of all available sponsors based on given info.
Name Type Description
data Object Information to be required through the sponsor selection flow.
Name Type Default Description
performLogin Object "true" optional To auto-perform login against the selected sponsor.
partnerKey Object The partner key provided by support team for the consumer site.
getSponsorsPayload Object To be used for getSponsors(). Please see payload information over TTB.getSponsors().
loginRemotePayload Object To be used for loginRemote(). Please see payload information over TTB.loginRemote().
selectedSponsor Object optional if user has any existing sponsor, provide this to show that sponsor as selected, in the list.
userProfile Object optional Alternate way to pass user profile, [Not recommended] (TTB Internal use only).
actions Object The callbacks options to retrieve success and failure info.
Name Type Description
onConnect function optional The callback to be invoked with when user is completely connected .ie. done with selecting sponsor *and then accepting their TOS.
onSelect function optional The callback to be invoked with selectedSponsor when user selects the sponsor.
onError function optional The callback to be invoked with error {String} message, against whatever step it fails.
Type Description
Object $modal - JQuery reference to the rendered modal DOMNode.
var data = {
  partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  getSponsorsPayload: {...}
  loginRemotePayload: {...}

actions = {
  onConnect: function(selectedSponsor, loginRemotePayload) {
   // your success code here to wrap things up considering it as a complete callback.
  onSelect: function(selectedSponsor, loginRemotePayload) {
   // your success code here to consume "selectedSponsor"

   // you can instantiate the TTB sdk against the selected sponsor.
   // var ttb = new TTB({
   //  ...
   //  sponsor: selectedSponsor
   //  ...
   // });

   // OR you can update the sponsor of already instantiated TTB sdk
   // ttb.setSponsor(selectedSponsor);
  onError: function(error, $sponsorModal) {
   // your failure code here consume error / reason {String}

TTB.showSelectSponsor(data, actions);

staticTTB.showSponsorTOSModal(selectedSponsor, actions, options){Object}

[new widget .connectWidget() is recommended.] This static method is used as a helper component inside showSelectSponsor() method. This method shows a "Thank you" modal for handling TOS against the selected sponsor, after user selected it via TTB.showSelectSponsor().
Name Type Description
selectedSponsor Object The sponsor information retrieved after selecting a sponsor from the list via TTB.showSelectSponsor().
actions Object The callbacks options to retrieve success and failure info.
Name Type Description
onConnect function optional The callback to be invoked with when user is completely connected .ie. done with selecting sponsor (via TTB.showSelectSponsor()) *and then accepting their TOS.
onSelect function optional The callback to be invoked with selectedSponsor when user selects the sponsor.
onError function optional The callback to be invoked with error {String} message, against whatever step it fails.
options Object The options to perform additional tasks, e.g. login only for now.
Name Type Default Description
performLogin Object "false" optional To auto-perform login against the selected sponsor.
partnerKey Object The partner key provided by support team for the consumer site.
loginRemotePayload Object "stk" and "getuser_url" information to be used for login. please check .loginRemote() documentation for more.
userProfile Object optional Alternate way to pass user profile, [Not recommended] (TTB Internal use only).
Type Description
Object $modal - JQuery reference to the rendered modal DOMNode.
var selectedSponsor = { ... }; // received from options.onSelect of TTB.showSelectSponsor()

var actions = {
 onConnect: function(selectedSponsor, loginRemotePayload) {
   // your success code here to wrap things up considering it as a complete callback.
  onSelect: function(selectedSponsor, loginRemotePayload) {
   // your success code here to consume "selectedSponsor"

   // you can instantiate the TTB sdk against the selected sponsor.
   // var ttb = new TTB({
   //  ...
   //  sponsor: selectedSponsor
   //  ...
   // });

   // OR you can update the sponsor of already instantiated TTB sdk
   // ttb.setSponsor(selectedSponsor);
  onError: function(error, $sponsorModal) {
   // your failure code here

var options = {
 partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
 performLogin: true,
 loginRemotePayload: {...}

TTB.showSponsorTOSModal(selectedSponsor, actions, options);


Builds up the full address using various address fields, usually helpful to build full address for target property to open it's net sheet.
It uses this pattern: [h#] [streetName] [suf], [city], [state] [zip] to build address as e.g. "1234 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33140"
Name Type Description
property Object result record retrieved via either from global search, search by address/owner/APN, nearby search, etc.
Type Description
String propertyFullAddress - complete address string built using each available field.


Build up the sponsor object for setting new sponsor on TTB instance via setSponsor().
Name Type Description
sponsorMeta Object sponsor meta object retrieved from response of getSponsors().
Type Description
Object sponsorInfo - object contains name, title, site, etc.


This static method returns a one-level-only deep copy / clone of provided info object.
Name Type Description
info Object object to copy / clone.
Type Description
Object | String | any copy - copy / clone of provided info object.
var detail = {foo: 'xoxo'};
var cloneOfDetail = TTB.utilCopy(detail);


This static method generates a link / URL to use on vendors's site, clicking which can take user to the landing page for TTB powered widgets.
it is used inside renderLogoWidget(), To learn more about it, check out its documentation.
Name Type Description
vendorInfo Object The information regarding vendor, and it's user.
Name Type Description
stk String The session token from existing login at 3rd-party app.
getuser_url String The URL to hit to get the user information against the given stk.
partnerKey Object The partner key provided by support team for the consumer site.
Type Description
string TTBLandingPageUrl - A string URL contains provided info in an encoded format, as part of URL.
var vendorInfo = {
 stk: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
 getuser_url: '',
 partnerKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

var TTBLandingPageUrl = TTB.utilGenerateLandingPageURL(vendorInfo);
// you can use this variable as HREF to any anchor (a) tag.


This static method returns a promise with rejection, holding the passed reason.
Name Type Description
reason Object | String | any reason of rejection. It can be an object, a string, or anything.
Type Description
Promise promise - promise with rejection state, holding the passed reason.
var rejectedPromise = TTB.utilPromiseReject('Something went wrong');

// or

var rejectedPromise = TTB.utilPromiseReject({foo: 'Something useful as a detailed reason.'});


This static method returns a promise with resolution, holding the passed information.
Name Type Description
info Object | String | any info for resolution. It can be an object, a string, or anything.
Type Description
Promise promise - promise with resolved state, holding the passed info.
var resolvedPromise = TTB.utilPromiseResolve('Successful operation !');

// or

var resolvedPromise = TTB.utilPromiseResolve({foo: 'Something useful as a detailed info.'});


This method is used to check for the status on phone and/or email fields order for the properties of the given farm. on successful call, check for data.phone_status and data.email_status flags. value "completed" means that the requested contact field is ready, and so .getFarm() should be called again to fetch the farm. "ordered" means the order is made, but it is in progress on the backend. orders usually takes up to ~2 minutes.

Note: The farm is supposed to be ordered/made via .globalSearch() method.
Name Type Description
farmId String The farm_id of the target farm to be checked.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var farmId = 123;

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method deactivate the sponsor selection previously performed by the user with given credentials.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Name Type Description
email String The email address of the user.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  email: ""

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

connectWidget(options, actions){Object|null}

This method renders a widget includes a connect button to open up the TTB integration modal which contains an iframe controlled by TTB.

It uses localStorage of the host origin, to store the selected sponsor info as ttb-sdk--connect--selected-sponsor, It is a good gate for host sites to persist the user's sponsor selection over their servers, by reading/writing from/to it. Widget will pick it up whenever gets rendered.
(Make sure ttbSdk.min.css file is injected for proper style and look for the widgets. You can even check out working example over
Name Type Description
options Object configuration for the connect widget.
Name Type Description
elementSelector String DOM element selector where the widget needs to be rendered. #lorem or .ipsum etc.
loginRemotePayload Object "stk" and "getuser_url" information to be used for login. please check .loginRemote() documentation for more.
actions Object optional The actions object contains mapping callbacks to be consumed on success or failure.
Name Type Description
onConnectSuccess function optional To be invoked with info object, which on successful "Connect", contains selectedSponsor object, and loginPerformed flag (to be "true" when user gets auto logged in from widget modal)
onConnectFailure function optional To be invoked with reason {String} message on failing connecting.
Type Description
Object | null $element - JQuery reference to the rendered widget container element. OR null in case of any error in rendering widget. E.g. elementSelector did not found.
// with basic and minimum requirement.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var options = {
  elementSelector: '#ttb-connect-wrapper',
  loginRemotePayload: {
    stk: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

var $ttbConnect = ttb.connectWidget(options);
// with advanced configuration for handling success, and failure of the connection process.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var options = {
  elementSelector: '#ttb-connect-wrapper'
  loginRemotePayload: {
    stk: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    getuser_url: ''

var actions = {
  onConnectSuccess: function(info) {
    // optional callback - to be called when done.
    // passed argument will be an "info" object which contains "selectedSponsor" which can be used to set instance sponsor.
    // note: required details from sponsorInfo already being written to localStorage as "ttb-sdk--connect--selected-sponsor" by SDK.

  onConnectFailure: function(reason) {
    // optional callback - to be called when failed connecting.
   // passed argument will be:
   // reason {String} - Reason of the failure, e.g. "failed" if API did not connect.

var $ttbConnect = ttb.connectWidget(options, actions);


This method is used to fetch the given farm. i.e. to fetch all the properties/records of the given farm.

Note: The farm is supposed to be ordered/made via .globalSearch() method.
Name Type Description
farmId String The farm_id of the target farm to be fetched.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var farmId = 123;

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method is used to fetch the list of all the farms that were bought by the user.

Note: The farm is supposed to be ordered/made via .globalSearch() method.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method provides the complete list of all fields that can be used to construct search terms for global_search and global_search_count APIs.

To view the complete list of all available search fields and their possible values.
Please follow this JSON presentation - The key info you should look for is the field_name, search_type and choices.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

.then(function(res) {
  if (res instanceof Array) {
    // your success code here to consume res as fields list. see example < JSON here >
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume res
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method will allow you to verify what reports are available to your user profile.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

globalSearch(payload, queryParams){Object}

This method is used to search all properties matching a set of criteria.
There is a vast number of criteria available, see the Available Search Fields and Search Criteria section.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Name Type Description
mm_fips_state_code String State FIPS of the property
FIELD_NAME Object | String optional Other search fields to be sent.
customFilters Object optional Filters fields are to be sent via this wrapper - See the available search fields for more.
Name Type Description
is_site_number_even_search Object optional A custom filter
FIELD_NAME Object optional Other filter type search fields to be sent.
searchOptions Object optional Additional options to take control on records.
Name Type Default Description
max_limit String optional Limit the matched records.
omit_saved_records String false optional Suppress/Omit records already saved.
queryParams Object optional The query string params limit and page on URL are used to control pagination of the result.
Name Type Description
limit String optional Determines how many recs to include in one page.
page String optional Specifies the page number in the full result set.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var queryParams = { limit: 1000, page: 2 };
var payload = {
 "mm_fips_state_code": "06", // State FIPS
 "mm_fips_muni_code": "059", // County FIPS
 "sa_site_city": [ // Cities
 "sa_site_zip": [ // Zip Codes
 "sa_site_mail_same": "Y",
 "sa_owner_1_type": "0",
 "sa_nbr_bedrms": { // Beds
   "match": "<=",
   "value": 3
 "sa_nbr_bath": { // Baths
   "match": "<=",
   "value": 2
 "use_code_std": [
 "sa_yr_blt": { // Year built
   "match": "From-To",
   "value": {
     "from": 1950,
     "to": 2002
 "sa_assr_year": {
   "match": ">",
   "value": 2000
 "searchOptions": { // Additional Search Options
   "omit_saved_records": false
 "customFilters": { // Filters
   "is_site_number_even_search": "Y"

ttb.globalSearch(payload, queryParams)
.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method is to only get the count (as opposed to full set of records) against a certain set of search criteria.
Note - It accepts the same search criteria input as for global_search API.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
 "mm_fips_state_code": "06", // State FIPS
 "mm_fips_muni_code": "059", // County FIPS
 "sa_site_city": [ // Cities
 "sa_site_zip": [ // Zip Codes
 "sa_nbr_bedrms": { // Beds
   "match": "<=",
   "value": 3
 "searchOptions": { // Additional Search Options
   "omit_saved_records": false
 "customFilters": { // Filters
   "is_site_number_even_search": "Y"

ttb.globalSearchCount(payload, params)
.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

googleBuildAddress(autocomplete, options){Object}

This method builds the address payload using the google autocomplete instance once it's "place_changed" event fires. The returned payload can be utilized to consume searchBySiteAddress() API or you can fill form fields using SDK's autoFill API.
Name Type Description
autocomplete object The google autocomplete instance used on your site, consuming it's "place_changed" event.
options Object optional The options object
Name Type Default Description
autoFillContext String optional A query selector of an element(s) inside which to look for inputs elements having data-ttb-field attribute. - For example: <input type="text" data-ttb-field="site_address" />
autoFillClearExisting Boolean "false" optional Clear the existing / previously added values to all of the fields that are to be auto-filled.
autoFillDelay Number "0" optional A delay in milliseconds, useful when wished to visualize auto filling. (50 is a good value to test)
Name Type Description
address Object built address payload object using google place components, having following fields against mentioned mapping.
Name Type Description
site_street_number Object Component Type: "street_number" | Name Type: "short_name".
site_route Object Component Type: "route" | Name Type: "short_name".
site_address Object *Built using site_street_number + ' ' + site_route.
site_city Object Component Type: "locality" | Name Type: "long_name".
site_neighborhood Object Component Type: "neighborhood" | Name Type: "long_name".
site_state Object Component Type: "administrative_area_level_1" | Name Type: "short_name".
site_zip Object Component Type: "postal_code" | Name Type: "short_name".
county Object Component Type: "administrative_area_level_2" | Name Type: "short_name".
country Object Component Type: "country" | Name Type: "long_name".
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

// render your autocomplete component instance on your desired location
var autocompleteElement = document.getElementById('googleBuildAddress__autocomplete');
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(autocompleteElement, {types: ['geocode']});

// when the user selects an address from the drop-down, populate the address fields in the form.
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function () {

  // approach # 01 - auto-fill only - build up the address by auto-filling the form fields and leaves the submission logic.
  // (Note: before submission, make sure you build site_address using site_street_number + ' ' + site_route) 

  var options = {
    autoFillContext: '#searchBySiteAddress__form'
  ttb.googleBuildAddress(autocomplete, options);

  //--- approach # 01 - auto-fill only - ends ---

  // -- OR --

  // approach # 02 - direct submission - build up the address by getting the payload and proceed with searchBySiteAddress() to retrieve the result.
  var payload = ttb.googleBuildAddress(autocomplete);
  .then(function(res) {
    if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
      // your success code here to consume for any extra effort other than the auto-fill
    } else {
      // your failure code here to consume
  }, function(err) {
    // your failure code here
  .always(function() {
   // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure
  // --- approach # 02 - direct submission - ends ---



This method is used after selecting a sponsor via the static function TTB.showSelectSponsor(...) to open up a Thank you modal, via which user can agree to TOS (Terms of Service) of the selected sponsor.
Type Description
Object $modal - JQuery reference to the rendered modal DOMNode.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.


instantLookupWidget(elementSelector, actions, visibility){Object}

This method renders a widget includes google autocomplete and supported actions drop-down.
Make sure Google Maps script file is injected and ttb.instantLookupWidget() should be called inside global googleInit() function.
And also ttbSdk.min.css file is injected for proper style and look for the widgets.
Name Type Description
elementSelector String DOM element selector where the widget needs to be rendered. #lorem or .ipsum etc.
actions Object optional An object contains mapping callbacks to be consumed when any action is clicked.
Name Type Description
fullProfileReport function optional To be invoked with an info object (info.success, as argument, when user selects an address from the autocomplete and then clicks the action "Full Profile Report". This info can be used for handling success and failure.
visibility Object optional An object contains mapping of actions mentioning their visibility.
Name Type Default Description
fullProfileReport function true optional A flag to show/visible the "Full Report Profile" action. (By Default, its shown. To hide it, just pass it with value as false)
netSheet function true optional A flag to show/visible the "Net Sheet" action.
Type Description
Object $element - JQuery reference to the rendered widget container element.
// with basic and minimum requirement.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

// define googleInit() if it is not already created.
window.googleInit = function () {

 var elementSelector = '#ttb-instant-lookup-wrapper';
 var $instantLookup = ttb.instantLookupWidget(elementSelector);
// Sample to suppress/hide a certain action, by using optional visibility param.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

// define googleInit() if it is not already created.
window.googleInit = function () {

 var visibility = {
  fullProfileReport: false, // to suppress this action
  netSheet: true, // if value is same as its default visibility. then it is equivalent to just not passing it.

 var elementSelector = '#ttb-instant-lookup-wrapper';
 var $instantLookup = ttb.instantLookupWidget(elementSelector, undefined, visibility);
// with advanced configuration for handling success, and failure of the actions results.
// this sample can be joined to above "visibility" param example.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

// define googleInit() if it is not already created.
window.googleInit = function () {

 var actions = {
  fullProfileReport: function(info) {
    if (info.success === 'OK') {
      // your success code here to consume
    } else {
      // your failure code here to consume

 var elementSelector = '#ttb-instant-lookup-wrapper';
 var $instantLookup = ttb.instantLookupWidget(elementSelector, actions);


This method is used to log the user in and maintain a session for the user throughout the App.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info
Name Type Description
username String the email/username used while signing up
password String the secret password of the account
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  TbUser: {
    username: "",
    password: "secret_Password0"

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // user is successfully logged-in !!
    // your success code here to consume for logged-in user info
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume for validation errors info
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method is used to log the user in from a 3rd-party site, and maintain a session for the user throughout the App.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info
Name Type Description
stk String The session token from existing login at 3rd-party app.
getuser_url String The URL to hit to get the user information against the given stk.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  stk: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // user is successfully logged-in !!
    // your success code here to consume for logged-in user info
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume for validation errors info
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method is used to authenticate the vendor site using one uuid (that was provided for their specified sites only), and to maintain a session for their users.
It is similar to loginRemote(), but this one is generic i.e. not user specific authentication. rather authenticating their sites.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info
Name Type Description
uuid String The uuid string provided to vendor to use from their specified sites.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  uuid: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // user is successfully logged-in !!
    // your success code here to consume for logged-in user info
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume for validation errors info
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


Logs out from the TTB webservices server
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
   // user is successfully logged-out!!
   // your success code here to clear any cached info etc from the web page

  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

nearbySearch(payload, payloadExtension){Object}

This method is to get all the properties nearby the given geolocation against the given radius.
Note - for payloadExtension, It accepts the same search criteria format input as for global_search API.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
payloadExtension Object optional An optional payload to be merge into the auto-generated one. It can be utilized to add custom filters like "Empty Nester" and/or other useful fields.
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
 mm_fips_state_code: "06",  // State FIPS
 center_lat: "33.97652", // sa_y_coord // to be used in a geometry of type "circle" for radius.
 center_lng: "-117.726299", // sa_x_coord // required for same above reason.
 radius: "1", // required for same above reason.
 limit: "20" // Optional.

ttb.nearbySearch(payload, params)
.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

openNetSheet(propertyId, propertyFullAddress){String}

This method opens up a Net Sheet modal against target property. The modal contains an iframe to TTB's official Net Sheet version.
This same method is being used inside from instantLookupWidget() for the "Net Sheet" Action.
Name Type Description
propertyId string The "sa_property_id" field value from the target property object. This exists in each property object retrieved either from global search, search by address/owner/APN, nearbySearch, etc.
propertyFullAddress string The full address to be shown inside Net Sheet. This can be build using static util method TTB.utilBuildFullAddress(), for more check method's documentation.
Type Description
String $modal - A JQuery reference to the modal DOMNode Element, of opened Net Sheet.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var selectedProperty = { ... }; // can come from whatever your feature logic is.

// build parameters.
var propertyId = selectedProperty.sa_property_id;
var propertyFullAddress = TTB.utilBuildFullAddress(selectedProperty);

// open net sheet against the target property.
ttb.openNetSheet(propertyId, propertyFullAddress);


This will allow you to order a report from the service. The available reports will depend on your account set up.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Name Type Default Description
sa_property_id String Unique ID of the property
state_county_fips String State FIPS of the property
output String "link" optional Format of output, supported types are "link", and "html".
report_type String "property_profile" optional The report type, supported types are "single_page_profile", "avm"(*), "prep"(*), "tax_bill" and "property_profile".
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  sa_property_id: "0039025849",
  state_county_fips: "06059",
  report_type: "property_profile",
  output: "link",

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method is used to return a list of sales around a subject property PLUS offer a series of statistics based on the response results.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Name Type Description
sa_property_id String Unique ID of the property
mm_fips_state_code String State FIPS of the property
date_transfer(+/-) Number optional Sold
distance_in_km Number optional Distance (in kilometers)
nbr_bath(+/-) Number optional Baths
nbr_bedrms(+/-) Number optional Beds
sqft(+/-) Number optional SQFT
yr_blt(+/-) Number optional Year built
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  "sa_property_id": "0039025849",
  "mm_fips_state_code": "06",
  "date_transfer(+/-)": 12,
  "distance_in_km": 1.6,
  "nbr_bath(+/-)": 1,
  "nbr_bedrms(+/-)": 1,
  "sqft(+/-)": 0.2,
  "yr_blt(+/-)": 20

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

propertyDetails(payload, options){Object}

This method is used to pull details of a property specified by property_id
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Name Type Description
property_id Number Unique ID of the property
state_fips Number State FIPS of the property
options Object optional The options object
Name Type Default Description
autoFillContext String optional A query selector of an element(s) inside which to look for inputs elements having data-ttb-fieldattribute.
autoFillClearExisting Boolean "false" optional Clear the existing / previously added values to all of the fields that are to be auto-filled.
autoFillDelay Number "0" optional A delay in milliseconds, useful when wished to visualize auto filling. (50 is a good value to test)
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  property_id: 0091683346
  state_fips: 25,

var options = {
  autoFillContext: '#propertyDetails__form'

ttb.propertyDetails(payload, options)
.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume for any extra effort other than the auto-fill
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure

saveSponsorSelection(payload, performLogin){Object}

This method saves the sponsor selection performed by the user with given credentials. Performs an optional login identical to existing method loginRemote()
Name Type Default Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info.
Name Type Description
stk String pls check loginRemote() for more.
getuser_url String optional pls check loginRemote() for more.
performLogin Boolean false optional To perform a login - identical to loginRemote(),
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  stk: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  getuser_url: '' // absolute URL to the API

var performLogin = true;

ttb.saveSponsorSelection(payload, performLogin)
.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


Search a property by owners name.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info - (At least any of the following is required)
Name Type Description
first_name String optional Owner's First Name
last_name String optional Owner's Last Name
state_county_fips String optional State County FIPS of the property
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  first_name: "Fariba",
  last_name: "Siddiqi",
  state_county_fips: "06059"

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


Search a property by APN.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info
Name Type Description
parcel_number String The Parcel Number against the property
state_county_fips String The State County FIPS against the property
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  parcel_number: "46327216",
  state_county_fips: "06059"

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


Search a property by site address.
Name Type Description
payload Object The payload object containing required info - (At least any of the following is required)
Name Type Description
site_address string optional Property House# or Street# with the route e.g. "317 2nd St".
site_unit string optional Unit# of the property (If has any).
site_city string optional Property City e.g. "Huntington Beach"
site_state string optional Property State e.g. "CA"
site_street_number string optional Property Street# e.g. "317"
site_route string optional Property Route - "2nd St".
Type Description
Object promise - Jquery AJAX deferred promise is returned which on-success returns the required info.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

var payload = {
  site_address: "317 2nd St",
  site_unit: "",
  site_city: "Huntington Beach",
  site_state: "CA",
  site_zip: "92648",
  site_street_number: "317",
  site_route: "2nd St"

.then(function(res) {
  if (res.response.status === 'OK') {
    // your success code here to consume
  } else {
    // your failure code here to consume
}, function(err) {
  // your failure code here
.always(function() {
 // your on-complete code here as common for both success and failure


This method is used to switch to a different sponsor (Title Company) and it generates a new baseURL based on passed with existing baseURLPattern.
Name Type Description
sponsor Object Information to be retrieved via options.onSelect() of TTB.getSponsors()
Name Type Description
name String The vertical_name field value of sponsor object retrieved. (to be used in generating baseURL)
title String The company_info.company_name field value of sponsor object retrieved.
site String The site_url field value of sponsor object retrieved.
logoURL String The company_info.logo_url field value of sponsor object retrieved.
TOSURL String The TOS_content field value of sponsor object retrieved.
Type Description
String baseURL - The newly generated baseURL.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.

 name: 'direct',
 title: 'Benutech',
 site: '',
 logoURL: '',


This method is used to open up a TOS (Terms of Service) Modal. which lists TOS info of the selected sponsor.
Type Description
Object $modal - JQuery reference to the rendered modal DOMNode.
var ttb = new TTB({ ... }); // skip if already instantiated.
